Tuesday 15 July 2008

Starting a Business - The Real Reason

Recently I wrote another article entitled "Starting A Business." The premise of that article was that business ownership can advance the entrepreneur towards their financial goals. While there are compelling financial reasons to start and own a business the idea of starting a business primarily for financial reasons did not really resonate with me after thinking about it. I began to reevaluate the reasons I own a business and why my clients are excited about business ownership. After doing so, I came to different conclusions concerning the best reasons to consider owning a business.

People start businesses because they want to take control of their future. Too often the "cost" of working for others is our personal dreams and hopes. We work and toil yet it seems we make no progress towards the things most important to us. Life can sometimes seem like a ride on a stationary bicycle. Lots of peddling and sweat but no progress!

Business ownership is one way in which people can take more control of their future. Business ownership can be challenging and is no easy path to success. However, the results you experience in business will primarily be determined by the decisions you make as an owner. While taking responsibility for our own results can be intimidating, doing so opens the door to a much larger universe of opportunities.

In Michael Gerber's excellent book on entrepreneurship "The E Myth" he says "Great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next." I'm not saying that every entrepreneur is actively creating their life and that employees are waiting to see where life takes them. My point is that each person should evaluate their life and carefully consider how to most effectively create the life they want. In some cases, entrepreneurship offers more and perhaps different "tools" to use in actively creating the life you may want.

I'll wrap up by saying that a business can be more than a place to work. Business ownership can provide the freedom to mold and create ourselves into who we most want to be. Take time to think about what you most want to achieve. Once you know what you want, carefully evaluate your progress and plans making adjustments where necessary.

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